What Is A Physical Therapy Evaluation? Step By Step Guide
The first step in your physical therapy journey is the evaluation, but if you're asking yourself what is a physical therapy evaluation, you are not alone. By the end of this video you will know exactly what to expect during your evaluation so that you can come to your first visit with clear expectations.
Ver VideoWhat Is Physical Therapy? Definition, Purpose, and Uses
You are probably asking yourself what is physical therapy and is it the right method of treatment for my injury or pain? By the end of this video you will understand what physical therapy is and if it's a good fit for you.
Ver VideoComparing Types of Massage With Physical Therapy: Deep Tissue, Swedish or Shiatsu
Many massage facilities offer a combination of various techniques customized to your needs. But when comparing types of massage with physical therapy, how do you know which type will best addresses your symptoms? And when should you seek further help? This video the four most popular types of massage compared to physical therapy, and which one might be best for you.
Ver Video3 Types of Online Physical Therapy in 2021
3 Types of online physical therapy gaining popularity in 2021 include synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid models.
Ver VideoWORKS FAST! Best Stretches For Low Back Pain - From a Physical Therapist
Low back pain makes up the majority of cases that I see everyday in my physical therapy clinic. Oftentimes decreasing pain and stretching these tight, sore muscles is the first step to recovery. Here are four great stretches I recommend most commonly for lumbar spine pain. Please note - not all back pain is created equally. That said these exercises MIGHT not be the best for your specific case. I encourage you to consult your medical healthcare professional about your pain to determine the best plan of care for your individual needs.
Ver VideoNeck Stretches for Instant pain relief
In this video, you’ll find 3 stretches for your neck extensors, neck flexors, trapeze, and Levator Scapulae, that will help relieve sore neck and shoulders.
Ver VideoUsing the RICE Method for Injuries - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
After an accident, such as an ankle sprain or knee injury, you can relieve pain, reduce swelling, and counteract the body’s initial response to injury with the RICE Treatment. It’s important to perform this protocol as soon as possible after an injury to promote flexibility and healing.
Ver VideoHow To Use Crutches Properly - The Nebraska Medical Center
This video draws upon the expertise of one of the physical therapists at The Nebraska Medical Center to show you the proper way to use crutches. Included are how to correctly stand up and sit down using crutches
Ver VideoAlivia la ansiedad con este ejercicio de respiración
Cuando padecemos ansiedad nos resultará de utilidad trabajar la respiración, la cual nos ayudará a relajar nuestro sistema nervioso, tal y como nos comenta en el video de hoy Marta Pérez, profesora de yoga, quien además nos enseña a realizar estos ejercicios de respiración. Lo único que necesitamos para hacerlos es un rincón tranquilo.
Ver Video¿Qué tanto daño provoca el estrés en mi cuerpo? ┃Dra. Ana Guajardo
Si eres una persona estresada, este video es para ti. Me faltó mencionar muchas más cosas pero hubiera sido interminable el video. Espero que les sirva la información, y que lo puedan compartir para que las personas sean más conscientes de todos los efectos del estrés en su cuerpo y dediquen un poco más de tiempo a manejarlo.
Ver Video5 Ejercicios fáciles de Relajación | GUIA PARA PRINCIPIANTES
5 Ejercicios fáciles de Relajación | GUIA PARA PRINCIPIANTES
Ver VideoCosmetology Essential oil
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